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News and Events


In the PREP 2023 Spring Poster Presentation Cassidy De Anda Gamboa presented her poster titled "Transgenic tagging and tracking of oligodendroglia for spatial and temporal mapping de novo myelination patterns in the mouse brain."

Pictured from left to right: Margot, Cassidy, Annabelle, and Heather.

2023 Spring Lunch! Pictured from left to right: Emily, Jayden, Anumeha, Heather, Cassidy, Annabelle, and Barbara.

2023 UMass Interdisciplinary Neurosciences Conference Poster Session. Annabelle is speaking to Keynote speaker Beth Stevens.

Richardson-Peyton Lab 2023 Winter Retreat!

Oral presentations, from left to right: Jayden, Cassidy, Annabelle, and Anumeha.


Development of techniques in the Richardson Lab


^ Hey, check out who got the student spotlight for IONs!

From left to right: Annabelle, Saïd, Andy, Heather

Summary of results - microglia alcohol paper_edited.jpg

Neuroscience and Technology 2021 Meeting at UMass

From left to right: Sirisha, Andy, Heather, Annabelle, Nathanael (Hardy Lab) and Rithika.


Congratulations to Andy for being awarded a D-SPAN F99 NIH Fellowship!


The NIH Blueprint Diversity Specialized Post-doctoral Advancement in Neuroscience Award will support Andy's doctoral dissertation completion and her future work as a postdoc. 

Congratulations to Annabelle for being awarded the NSF GRFP and a UMass Spaulding-Smith Fellowship!

The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program will support Annabelle's graduate studies in the Neuroscience and Behavior Program at UMass Amherst in the Richardson Lab.

Sex Differences in the Neurobiology of Alcohol Use Disorder

Working hard! Pictured from left to right: Jillian, Annabelle, Andy, Sebastian, and Rithika.



Kyle and Sirisha were awarded Commonwealth Honors grants! CONGRATS!!


Annabelle Flores-Bonilla joined the Richardson lab as a PREP student! Her poster "Determining the Role of Microglia in Clearing Oligodendrocyte Debris during Adolescence" was presented in August 2019 at UMass.




Society for Neuroscience 2018 - San Diego


Two generations of scientists at the Sisk/Richardson joint lab dinner!!


News on our eNeuro paper

The speed of thought: Rat brain study links signal velocity to myelination


2018 Richardson lab escapes in record time!

Escape room 2018.jpg

2017 Laser Tag and Trivia Night Champions!


Kyle Lucier presents research on myelin visualization.

Andy Silva (left) pictured with Aimee Lin (right) at Aimee's poster on microglia research 

Andy, pictured third from the left in the front row, was awarded a scholarship provided by the National Institute of Health to attend The Whole Scientist course held at The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, ME. The course combined classroom learning with post-course applied practicums to help participants develop capability and confidence in different skills that are critical for becoming a successful scientist.  

Liz Tavares, pictured second from the left, was awarded the Richard S. Milstone Scholarship by the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences for her outstanding academic achievements in the department and contributions to the surrounding community during her undergraduate career.

2017 Scholarships and summer Internships

Congratulations Andy, Sam, and Liz!

Sam Scott, pictured far left in the photo above, was offered an internship at the Harvard Orthopedic Trauma Service, where he performed clinical research through immersion in the clinical environment of Boston Children’s Hospital. Along with the clinical research, Sam participated in medical school lectures, anatomy labs, and shadowed in the operating room as well as the emergency department.


Members of the Richardson lab shared their research at the 46th annual Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego, California. Andy Silva (left) and Liz Tavares (right) presenting at SFN in November 2016.

Dr. Richardson spent seven months on sabbatical in Montpellier, France collaborating with members of the Tricaud Lab at the INSERM Institute of Neurosciences.


Collaborations in Montpellier, France

Liz Tavares joined Heather in the Tricaud lab in the summer to learn some new cloning and imaging techniques. 

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